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How Green deals at Cucumia helps in reducing food wastage and carbon footprint

Food waste is one of the major concerns all over the world. If we check statistics, it is observed that one-third of all food produced in the world is discarded or wasted for various reasons. This equates to 1.3 billion tons every year. Developed countries waste more food than developing nations. Some ways in which we can control wastage of food are:

  • Smart shopping: Buy only what you need, do not buy more than required. A list can help to categorize the things needed and avoid unnecessary shopping.
  • Store food correctly
  • Learn to preserve
  • Maintain your fridge be clutter- free
  • Save leftovers
  • Make homemade stock
  • Understand expiry dates
  • If possible, compost
  • There are many ways in which you can reduce, reuse and recycle food waste. It is by taking small steps that we can create change. The smallest change brought into the way you shop, cook and consume food will help in the reduction of food wastage and lessen the impacts it has on the environment.

    Food waste causes the release of greenhouse gases. The main greenhouse gas emitted is methane. On a global scale, the average carbon footprint is closer to 4 tons. To avoid an increase in global temperature, the average global footprint needs to drop down at least by 2 tons.

    The change cannot happen overnight but by making small changes in daily lives like by eating less meat, taking fewer connecting flights and line-drying clothes, we can start making a difference.

    How does Green Deals at Cucumia help in reducing food and carbon footprint?

    Green Deal is a feature by which food products that are nearing expiry or soon to be expired goods find a way in the table than in the bin. Mostly, what happens is, a lot of supermarkets just throw away the huge stock of unsold goods as there is no other option to use it. With Green Deals, customers get goods at discounted prices and supermarkets do not have to just throw these goods. It is mostly used as a landfill.

    Supermarkets incur huge losses. They have to either have a very efficient waste management system and warehousing facility or have a very efficient waste disposal system. Both of these is additional expense to the businesses. With Green Deals, this expense is avoided as goods that are nearing expiry are sold. By this, food wastage is reduced which in turn reduces carbon footprint. Thus, it is beneficial in a broader sense than just being an offer.

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